Make your resolution stick

Each year at this time, we make New Year’s resolutions with the greatest intention of keeping them. Often I make a new resolution and never keep it. This year I went with one that was on my mind.

My New Year’s resolution is not to get sick and I’ve kept it so far! Last year in October, November, and December I got a cold each month. I was stressing out over school, exposed to others who were sick, and was just really run down. I couldn’t believe I got sick all three months! Usually, I get sick once a year around the same time as others, but three times was three times too much! So this year, I vow to not get sick, or at least not as often!

The steps I’m taking to not get sick are simple. I am trying to sleep more, and drink more fluids, especially water. So far, it’s worked, but I feel that slight itch you get before a cold.

The new semester has started and school work has started to pile up along with work. I ride the bus to and from school, and I can feel people coughing on me. My classmates are sick. Even my boss is sick!

The trick to not getting sick again is less stress and taking better care of myself, easier said than done! In this day and age, it seems like stress is our middle name. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), not keeping your New Year’s resolution may increase your anxiety. New Year’s resolutions are meant to be goals to improve our lives, not to create more stress.

The APA recommends keeping our resolutions small. Make resolutions that you can keep. Your resolution is not intended to make big character changes, but rather to make a lifestyle change. It takes time to make changes and you can’t make all the changes over night. I don’t expect I won’t get sick this year, but I can take the precautions and steps to help prevent getting sick.

Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t keep up. Sometimes the stress of the deadline is too much pressure, according to the article “How to Set Goals Properly and Fulfill Your New Year’s Resolutions” by Tanith Carey in The Telegraph. Don’t give up because you had a setback. No one is perfect. Give yourself a break and get back on track. If you are trying to eat healthy, and you slip and eat a brownie, don’t beat yourself up. Just get back to eating healthy.

Tell your friends about your resolution, even better, buddy up! It’s easier to have someone to share your success and struggles with. Your friends and family can be your cheerleaders.

In the end, it’s not about if you keep your New Year’s resolution, it’s about being kind to yourself. It’s hard to change overnight, so don’t expect to. Let yourself slip sometimes. As long as you are working toward your goal, you’re achieving something, and remember, “Tomorrow is fresh, with no mistakes in it,” according to Anne Shirley from the movie “Anne of Green Gables.”