As with many schools across our nation, the first week of school often resembles a bee’s nest of activity and extracurricular opportunities for student involvement. This semester, Student Life, Student Government and club representatives were all prepared with tables of information and an ice cream bar strategically set-up by the cafeteria entrance.
Justin Kraemer, Student Government President was in his element working the tables and talking with students about the various responsibilities of student government.
Kraemer further engaged students with a reminder to “stay involved”. Opportunities to join that were presented included: Chess Club, Black Student Union, Horticulture Club, Criminal Justice Organization, Environmental Club, Information Security Club, Times Newspaper, Student Government, and Student Nursing Club.
Jeff Leroux is in his 2nd semester of the Criminal Justice Program and signed up for both Student Government and the Information Security Club. Leroux mentioned how he wants to further educate himself in Computer Technology Security as a way to protect himself against an ever increasing world of hackers.
As for the student government route, Leroux adds, “I’ve always wanted to be in some form of leadership. That’s why I’m thinking of going into the Marines, and that’s one reason (for volunteering at school) so I can (obtain the) leadership skills…and get the learning experience I need.”
For additional information or in case you missed recruitment days, please stop by the Student Life Office at the campus and ask for Rita Wood.