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  • “A world of grief and pain flowers bloom—even then.”– Kobayashi Issa
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MATC Times

The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

The Healthful “Times”- Small strides in building a soulful balance

    Photo by MATC Times
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    Balancing school, work and an everyday job can leave a person exhausted and frustrated at times. The demands of being a student and employee can sometimes leave a person “off balance.”
    Balancing work, college classes, relationships and more are challenges faced by several students, but what kind of small adjustments can a person make to be a better student, employee and overall person?
    Many professionals in the health care field continue to speak on ways to modify everyday living so a person can live a more wholesome, balanced life.
    WebMD published an article on “5 Tips to Better Work-Life Balance” (By Jen Uscher, reviewed by Hansa D. Bhargava, M.D.)

    1. Build downtime in your schedule – If a date night with your partner or a softball game with your friends is on your calendar, you’ll have something to look forward to and an extra incentive to manage your time well so you don’t have to cancel.
    2. Drop activities that sap your time or energy – Change the amount of time spent on the web and social media sites, making personal calls or checking your bank balance.
    3. Rethink your errands – Could you order groceries online and have them delivered? Order stamps online so you don’t have to go to the post office? Trade services with friends….offer to do tasks that you enjoy or that you were planning to do anyways.
    4. Get moving – It’s hard to make time for exercise when you have a jam-packed schedule, but it may ultimately help you get more done by boosting your energy level and ability to concentrate.
    5. Remember that a little relaxation goes a long way – Slowly build more activities into your schedule that are important to you. Take 10 or 15 minutes a day to do something that will recharge your batteries (go for a walk, take a bath, or listen to music.)

    With the spring semester almost complete, applying some of these suggestions from WebMD may help in figuring out the priorities in the life of a student.
    Whether it is prioritizing future school schedules, setting career goals or applying more time for studying for upcoming finals, these small changes can keep a person relaxed yet upright with poise.

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