Amazing. Just like Descartes, the dream state becomes a reality within a dream within a dream like reality. Confused yet? It’s a wickedly cool thrill ride, through the possibilities of changing life within a dream. Leonardo DiCaprio (Titanic, Shutter Island) delivers a phenomenal power punch in this Christopher Nolan (The Dark Night) film.Legendary Films, usually good for the hero fairy tales, brings you Inception, full of entertainment, but mind expanding.
DiCaprio plays Cobb, a highly skilled thief hired by corporate hot tails, to infringe upon the dreams and subconscious of suspect businessmen, and plunder their innermost secrets. It’s corporate world reconnaissance, measured by a philosophical value of dream invasion.
With his wife’s possible suicide, the question comes to light; is Cobb really here for personal pleasure? He finds her in his dreams.
Just like in Shutter Island, nothing can be taken for face value. After all, it is a dream. Right? The possibilities are endless.
Keep an open mind, and hold on. This movie has nothing short of adventure, and action around every turn. Don’t be surprised when this movie makes you think.