Director Tim Burton lives up to his reputation with the twisted, timeless classic “Alice in Wonderland.” Visually eccentric, this rendition delivers a sharp bite with wicked costumes and unforgettable characters.Though a bit overdrawn, slow paced and dry, the over-told storyline leaves much room for improvement.
Nineteen year-old Alice (Mia Wasikowska) takes a trip to her childhood fantasyland called Wonderland.
Dabbling with the idea of a dream state, Alice meets a colorful array of characters, including the Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” and “Sweeny Todd”), the Red Queen (Helena Carter, “Sweeny Todd” and “The Corpse Bride”) as well as the White Queen (Anne Hathaway, “Bridewars”).
If you want to go to see the live version of this cult classic, I suggest waiting for DVD release.