Should the U.S. get involved with Ukraine situation?
A hot topic on many news outlets recently has been the civil unrest in Ukraine. After deciding to accept a bailout from Russia instead of accepting a deal with the EU (European Union) the country was pushed into turmoil. Protesters took to the streets, police were out in full force and their president fled the country. An estimated 100 people were killed and over 500 people were injured.
Russia, hoping to add Ukraine to their alliance, began sending troops into the country. America was quick to step in, and many have criticized this decision.
This situation leaves me with these thoughts. If America gets involved in “other countries’ business” they are told to stay out, and leave well alone. But if America chooses not to get involved in situations like this, then it’s because they don’t care.
In my opinion, America has set the precedent of helping those in need, and as the leader of the free world, they are often looked to for guidance. While this is a big compliment, it is also a big responsibility. It reminds me of the quote which is often attributed (incorrectly) to the Spiderman movie, “With great power comes great responsibility.”
I also believe that while this is not our war to fight, and that war is bad, something has to be done. Laws are there to protect those that often cannot protect themselves. We set up funds to help victims all over the world that are fighting diseases, circumstances, natural disasters, etc. We are helping those because we believe in human rights for all. We believe that humans should not suffer.
Now we see a country in need and people are against helping, even when those people are suffering. If the world had not spoken against the apartheid government, placed sanctions on the country and added pressure to end apartheid, who knows how long the inhumane treatment would have continued? It seems that people are okay with helping with money but that’s it. I can understand that, it is hard to fight some other country’s war. But maybe we should be fighting for our world, not just our country. Or maybe…maybe we just shouldn’t be fighting.
I heard about the Times in the spring of 2012, after hearing Adviser Bob Hanson talk to my class. I was tempted to join but unsure of my skills. The push...