“Goals are dreams with a deadline…”
On the evening of March 31, Jimmy Boudreaux, senior designer/owner of Boudreaux’s House of Fashion Design & Vintage Re-Design, visited MATC’s Oak Creek campus to present the student Fashion Club with his own thoughtful insight and hard-earned experience within the fashion world. The evening included active technique demonstrations, mannequins adorned in original designs, tables covered by reams of fabric/fashion texts, as well as a slideshow containing “Life-Plan” advice and laced with a handful of motivational quotes; encouraging students to remind themselves of who they are, where they want to someday be and the discipline it takes to get there.
The MATC Fashion Club meets during morning hours on weekdays (often on Mondays), at various locations around campus; all students, regardless of their major, are welcome to attend. Basia Spencer is the current Fashion Club President.