How to write a landlord complaint letter


If you have a problem with your housing situation, it is important to let your landlord know about it.  The best way to do this is by sending a letter through U.S. mail or via email, explaining the problem in detail.  Here are some suggestions for writing an effective complaint letter:

  • Explain the problem as clearly as you can. The landlord is not going to read a letter that goes on and on. Make your points clearly, with specific detail and as briefly as possible.
  • Be polite and respectful in your letter.  Presume that your landlord will do the right thing, operate in good faith and behave like a professional.
  • Suggest ways to resolve the problem. Tell your landlord that you want to cooperate to reach a solution that is favorable to both of you.
  • Do not threaten to report your landlord and your problem to the Department of Neighborhood Services or the Better Business Bureau or to sue your landlord.
  • Send printouts of photos with the letter if pictures would help show exactly what the problem is.  Make sure you are able to make a copy of what you send.
  • Ask the landlord to respond to you in a reasonable amount of time and remember to be polite. Be sure to include the best way to reach you.
  • Make a copy of the complaint letter along with anything else you are sending with it and keep it with your lease.