‛Til Death Do Us Part’ Murder Mystery dinner was a thrilling good time
The MATC Murder Mystery dinner was off to a fun start. One of the more popular student activities, this event gets the students, their families and friends together for an exciting time once a year.
Held at the Coast Restaurant inside the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum, the food and atmosphere were delightful.
The evening started out with appetizers and drinks. The guests were mingling, sipping, and socializing well with the wedding party. The vows were professed, and glasses were raised to toast the happy couple.
Suddenly the best man hit the floor, and was quickly pronounced dead. Forks hit the table, mouths flew open aghast, and bread crumbled to the floor.
The diners were included in a murder! To make matters worst, one or more of the guests was guilty, but which one?
Adam Mack, who played Peter Ness the detective, and Bob Wire have been doing dinner theater since 2009. Mack is a classically trained actor, and performed Shakespeare in Chicago. Mack said he loves doing this form of theater because, “I performed in 88 performances of Shakespeare and it was the same every time. This Murder Mystery theater is fun and exciting because it is different every time, with the audience involvement. You never know what they will bring to the performance.”
The Murder Mystery Theater Company is a national company performing in 21 states. They employ more than 1,000 actors with about 30 in the local troop. They started in Grand Rapids, Mich., and quickly grew.
Ellen Girvin, the bride, has been with the company about a year. Girvin trained at the Improv Olympics, and has a degree in theater. Girvin said that she “loves the spur of the moment feel of it,” and finds doing this type of acting very rewarding.
Kristin Wicke played several female characters. Wicke trained at Second City in Chicago, and Improv Olympics. Wicke said, “I have been doing this six months, and I love watching the audience members get into it.”
The audience did get into it, questioning other diners about their possible involvement. They were moving from table to table asking suggested questions and satisfying their own curiosity, while continually interacting with the cast. This is a great student activity because it virtually ensures the students will meet new people, and get to know each other better.
In the end, the groom did it. The best man and his new wife were having an affair.

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