Academic dishonesty: plagiarism

Student Legal Clinic
With the start of the new semester comes an abundance of assigned papers to write. The temptation to plagiarize is strong with the ease of a simple internet search. Plagiarism is defined as appropriating someone else’s words or ideas without acknowledgment. The penalties of plagiarism can be personal, professional, ethical and legal. Plagiarism recognition software is readily accessible and is used by MATC instructors. If you are accused, you will most likely be suspended. Neither ignorance nor status excuses a person from the ethical and legal ramifications of committing plagiarism.
Aside from suspension and possible expulsion, other and sometimes overlooked consequences of plagiarism include putting your academic and possibly your professional reputation on the line. Also, copyright laws are absolute, which can lead to serious legal repercussions. Ultimately, it is not worth the risk and you are personally cheating yourself out of using your own creative thoughts and getting the most out of your college education.