Drinking and driving – summer safety

Student Legal Clinic
With the summer season comes parties and cocktails. Don’t take chances driving if you have been drinking. If you are feeling buzzed, you are likely over the 0.08 limit and should not drive. However if you do find yourself being pulled over by police and you have been drinking, stay calm and take a breath.
Be polite and respectful. Keep in mind, you are not legally required to submit to a field sobriety test in Wisconsin, including the Breathalyzer test. However, if you choose to refuse, be prepared to be arrested.
With a DUI, a driver faces jail time, the loss of a driver’s license and higher insurance rates, along with dozens of other expenses, including attorney fees, court costs, car towing/repairs and lost wages, along with the humiliation and consequences of telling family, friends and employers about the arrest.
Choose a sober designated driver before you start drinking, or call a cab or an Uber.