Times Photo Contest Open to All

The Times invites all students to participate in the 2019 photography contest. The themes of this photo contest include:

PORTRAIT – The portrait is very open to interpretation but the subject is typically human or could be a beloved companion animal.

LANDSCAPE & WILDLIFE – A broad theme that could include urban landscapes, natural landscapes, nature, and free-living animals.

PHOTOGRAPHER’S CHOICE – More simply put, “other.” This category may be abstract, conceptual, architectural, fine art, or any other images that may not easily fall into the PORTRAIT or LANDSCAPE & WILDLIFE themes.

This is an invitation to provide one or more high-quality photographs with a title (caption) and a brief description (background information such as the photographer’s name, city, location, etc.). One photograph may be submitted per theme allowing for one person to submit a total of three entries. In each category, one entrant will be selected for the first prize and two entrants will be selected for honorable mentions. These top three photos for each category will be printed in our Dec. 19 edition, which is the last issue of the semester.

Winners also will be awarded monetary and promotional prizes. Be sure to check back with www.matctimes360.com for more details and to submit your entries