Perspectives – How do you decide who to vote for?
Students describe the individual they are voting for in the 2020 Election.
Photo by Emma Turk
In what some are calling the most important election of the modern era, early voters are setting records across the nation. According to Michael McDonald, a professor at the Univerity of Florida and leader of the United States Elections Project , at least 96.4 million people have voted early in the 2020 Presidential Election (as of noon today). By comparison, 37 million people voted early in the 2016 Presential Election.
Of the 96 million people who have voted early, 35 million have voted in-person and 61 million have returned mail-in ballots. Over 30 million mail ballots are still outstanding. Mail ballots can still be returned to official drop off boxes located all over the state of Wisconsin through election day. For more information on official drop-off boxes in your area go to
Although the Times does not endorse any candidates, we are interested in what students are looking for in the candidate(s) they support. Here is what a few had to say:

I do believe that this candidate is a corporate shill, and I like him and his running mate. But I don’t think that they’re what we need to get us to what I’d want, which is socialized medicine and socialized education where there’s a free education system so future generations aren’t burdened with loans that continue cycles of poverty and oppression.
It could be a generation or two before this happens, maybe longer, but that’s why I voted for this individual. I don’t think this candidate and his running mate are bad, they’re not necessarily good either, but they’re better than the opposing candidate.”
-Joshua Carroll
He is taking an architectural course for a program associated with the Department of Neighborhood Services for the City of Milwaukee
(Photo by Celine Cotton / Times Photo Editor)

-McKenna Friede
Photography Student (Photo by Celine Cotton / Times Photo Editor)

– Mikeela Jones Liberal Arts and Science Defense Attorney (Photo by Celine Cotton / Times Photo Editor)

-David Mahdasian
Photography Student (Photo by Celine Cotton/ Times Photo Editor)