On November 5, 2024, there is an election between former President Donald Trump and current Vice President Kamala Harris that decides our next president, an election between Eric Hovde and Senator Tammy Baldwin that decides our next senator for Wisconsin, and also smaller races on the ballot including state representatives. I am certain that this isn’t the first time you are hearing about this.
How many times a year do political campaigns reach out to you to tell you how to vote, or worse to ask for money?! Do these politicians even know how much rent costs? Elections are big business and so much money and effort is spent trying to get you to vote one way or another that creates so much noise.
In 1805, the Philadelphia Aurora ran an article regarding Gov. Thomas McKean’s running for reelection. The paper stated “Today will be held the most important election you have ever been called upon to attend.” Does that sound familiar? It seems that every election for the past 200 years has used that same language. That urgency is both exhausting and unsustainable. Honestly, I am just so tired.
I want to be clear here that voting is important. You SHOULD vote.
Though, as I say that, I want to reinforce that voting is not the penultimate tool of citizens to create change in our world. Electing the right person is important, but it is not the solution to all of our problems. We as the electorate must pressure elected officials to do what is right by our communities. Your mayor needs to know the struggles in your neighborhood, and your president needs to know if you disagree with their policies. I implore you to be brave and reach out, like the many students across the country that have already raised their voices. This action is as important as voting.
You should vote, I would love to see every eligible MATC student vote in this election. A healthy democracy will have higher voter turnout, with results more accurately reflecting the candidate of the people. However, whichever candidate is ultimately declared the winner, our jobs do not end after the election. If you believe that there needs to be change in the world, then it is up to you to make that change, even when it is not election season.