They glide with pride…
Spread their wings aside…
Compassionate embraced them, to care for so many dreams that were denied…
I like to care and be there, for those who don’t have so many things to survive…
Life hasn’t been fair to understand and know their dreams and cries…
Against so many inner demons beside…
Trying to make it in a dirty world where life’s been mean, but yet they find the comfort of being outside…
Trying to decipher why they had to take it before the angel’s wings opened wide…
Wondering why the cold had to forsake them, where their only option was to defend and survive…
Then ANGELS came along, THEM GOD’S MESSENGERS who gave them a sense of being that no one else would provide…
Promises to fly with them in every scene of their stride…
Because every street withheld a home street, needs an ANGEL for the pedestrian who’s in need of an angel guide…