The Downtown Milwaukee Campus van escort service, once operated by the Public Safety Department, no longer exists.However, the new Campus Shuttle Service on the Milwaukee Campus has taken its place. The new list of stops supplies continuous service on approximate 15-minute intervals from the following five Downtown Milwaukee Campus locations:
Sixth St. and Wells Parking Structure, A Building Alley (8th St.), Foundation Hall (7th St. and Foundation Hall), F Building Lot, and the President’s Lot (front of the Main Building on 6th St.).
The Monday through Thursday service hours are from 4:30 a.m. until 10:30 p.m. Friday is slightly different as service hours are from 4:30 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.
This new schedule began at the end of the previous fall semester and is run by the Milwaukee Campus Operations Department.
Richard Dries, Operations manager, said, “The Operations Department is always interested in comments relative to how we can make this service better.
“Feel free to contact Bruce Heiser at 414-297-7059 or e-mail at [email protected] with any suggestions.