Aliens and androids land at the Milwaukee Public Museum

Photo by Warren Barth

Ironman is part of a display about cyborgs at the Alien Worlds and Androids exhibit at the Milwaukee Public Museum, which runs through Jan. 11, 2015.

Turn back now, or go? It’s quite possibly one of the most intriguing things to ask about coming to see the sci-fi thrilling, Alien Worlds and Androids exhibit at the Milwaukee Public Museum, running through Jan. 11, 2015 (free for MPM members). For only $5 with regular MPM admission, one of the first things to greet you is their gorgeous Star Wall.
Thereafter is turmoil and wonder in the learning quads, somewhat set up like slivers of a dark space station. In it, you will find robots, friendly and hostile droids, plus Mr. Alien, himself, straight out of the film, “Aliens.”
Also, the exhibit shows how small creatures are invading our bodies as we talk and walk through our everyday lives.  Inside and out, the human body hosts a plethora of alien invaders of any kind of imagination: some bad, some very good.
There is so much to see and do interactively for adults and children, and it doesn’t stop there.
For an additional $5 fee, or at no cost for MPM members, you can see “Space Aliens: Looking for Life in the Universe” at the Dome Theater and Planetarium, written by Bob Bonadurer, director of the Dome Theater and Planetarium.
Before the movie begins, Bonadurer leads a wonderful demonstration in the planetarium about our Wisconsin skies, where he delights the audience with knowledge about our winter morning and nighttime skies, and which stars and planets to try to search for. He states, “Perhaps the biggest question for mankind is, whether or not we’re alone in the cosmos. To get people thinking a step beyond the Hollywood movies, and give some serious thought about the possibility of life out there.” For more information, visit the MPM website,