When Can Students use the Meditation Room?

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Photo by opelikaobserver.com

61-2 9.19.19-10.3.19

I found out that MATC has a meditation room located across from the library. The door was locked but there was a sign on the inside saying that it was open to students. I thought this was a way for me to meditate and focus while I am on campus.

I did some inquiring and discovered that only the staff could access the meditation room. When I went to Student Services I was told that they wanted to do a grand opening before the meditation room would be accessible to students. That was last semester.

I did not hear anything about a grand opening and still this semester the meditation room is not open to students. The meditation room would be a great benefit for students but it does not serve its purpose if the students do not have access to it. I later learned that the newspaper wrote an article about the opening of the meditation room in 2018. I’m not sure why students cannot use the room. When I ask other students did they know that there is a meditation room I get the same response, “MATC has a meditation room?” They are just as surprised as I was when I found out and ask questions about where it is and when they can use it. I refer them to the same place I was referred to Student Services.

So my question is when can students use the meditation room? I know that MATC staff can access it, why can’t students.


Editor’s Response:

According to Student Life Director Equan Burrows, the meditation room on the Down-town Milwaukee Campus has been available to students since the start of the fall semester. Access to the room can be obtained by inquiring at the front desk of the Student Life offices located in Room S303.


The MATC Times is a student publication, written and printed biweekly at Milwaukee Area Technical College, Room M240A of the Main Building, 700 W. State St., Milwaukee, WI 53233-1443; Editor’s Phone: 414-297-6250; Newsroom Fax: 414-297-7925. Advertising information, 414-297-8243. Email the Business Manager at [email protected].


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