Letter to the Editor – Clarifying M Building renovations

Photo by Emma Turki

To the Editor:

The Times published an article in the July 11th edition about renovations occurring in the central corridors of Main Building at the Milwaukee campus, including the removal of lockers and photography display cases on the fifth floor. The article lacked the complete picture. I would like to clarify the misunderstanding and work that is continuing.

MATC is improving public common spaces in the district with the intention to standardize spaces across the district and to improve the message these spaces convey. A small project took place over the summer on floors in the center corridor of the Main Building downtown. New Corridor Standardization Guidelines recommended by the Campus Beautification Committee call for the movement of lockers from the busy public corridors into classrooms, laboratories, and side hallways.

The particular lockers in the July article were relocated 50 feet down the corridor. These lockers were not taken away from students, as incorrectly stated in the article. The Corridor Guidelines also call for modernizing displays. The improvements to this fifth-floor corridor will include new ways to highlight student work that meet these goals.

Stay tuned to the work in these hallways and hopefully, the end result will not leave students “feeling ugly.”


Thank you,
Ginny Routhe, Director
MATC Facilities Planning, Sustainability, and Construction


The MATC Times is a student publication, written and printed biweekly at Milwaukee Area Technical College, Room M240A of the Main Building, 700 W. State St., Milwaukee, WI 53233-1443; Editor’s Phone: 414-297-6250; Newsroom Fax: 414-297-7925. Advertising information, 414-297-8243. Email the Business Manager at [email protected].


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