Golf event swings into fundraising season
Since 1979 the leadership at MATC has supported the student body by establishing the school’s Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that provides major support through scholarships and grants. Through strategic relationships with industry, corporations and community-based organizations, the Foundation works to further the mission of the college. The golf tournament entitled “Golf for Scholarships” is the largest fundraising event. Close to two-thirds of the student body receives financial aid, grants or scholarships. Without the support of the Foundation many of the students could not afford a college level education. More than 40 scholarships were provided by last year’s golf tournament.
Johnson Controls, a globally diversified technology and industrial leader serving customers in more than 150 countries, is headquartered in Milwaukee and the corporation is the presenting sponsor of the golf tournament. Its golf group was one of this year’s first place winners. Johnson Controls hires many graduates from the Oak Creek campus ECAM programs. According to Joe Armeli, a business development specialist at Johnson Controls, supporting the golf tournament is a win-win situation that helps students thrive.
The Foundation awarded more than $275,000 in scholarships and emergency funds to 382 students in the 2012-13 school year.
Each place setting at the fundraiser’s dinner had a brief introduction of a past scholarship winner and effectively put a face on the importance of giving. Bao, one of the student recipients introduced, stated, “This scholarship means I stand out, that I have achieved something great, that I can do anything if I put my mind and heart into it. With the help of donors and scholarships, anything is possible.”
Veronika, another scholarship recipient, said, “Thank you so much for extending a scholarship. I simply could not have gone back to school without grants and scholarships.”
One of the most intriguing golf courses in Wisconsin, the Ironwood in Sussex was the site of the golf tournament. The weather was perfect for the occasion, starting out cool and overcast before clearing up and becoming warm and sunny. One of the highlights is the dinner, which is prepared by the MATC culinary students and always delights the attendees. The gourmet reception and meal were shining examples of the great work MATC programs are doing to prepare the students for business ownership, restaurant management, and just delicious times.
Ruth Cottrell, MATC alumna, has attended all three tournaments and said Ironwood does a great job of hosting the event, and the food prepared by the students is awesome and amazing. Cottrell works for Reinhart Foodservice, a tournament sponsor and major provider of the foods served. Gregory Jones of the Milwaukee Police Department said the course is great and he could not decide if he liked the actual golfing or the fabulous meal more, with the beautifully presented and prepared foods. “The food really makes this event stand out,” he said.
New MATC president Dr. Vicki J. Martin was celebrating her wedding anniversary, and her husband and son were also in attendance.

Michelle Krueger, Daniel McColgan, Jody Burdick and Kathleen Hohl celebrate halfway through the golf tournament with their version of Charlie’s Angels – Dan’s Angels.

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