Dane Travers Profile
Photo by Wendi Coon
1. How did you hear about the team and how did you get on the team?
I heard through the MATC home page. I made the team by trying out for the fall ball team.
2. What position do you play?
3. Program/graduation plans?
I have one more year before I graduate. I am in the Welding Technology program.
4. When did you start playing the sport?
I started playing in 2013.
5. What do you like about being on the team?
I get to play the sport I love with a group of guys with the same passion for the sport.
6. Do you have any advice for prospective players?
Play your hardest because you might be able to continue to a four-year school.
7. What other interests/hobbies do you have?
Bowling, Rubik’s Cube, and outdoor activities.
8. What inspires you?
That God gave me the gift to play sports.
9. Anything else you would like to add?
No, not at this time.