A cry for freedom in Red Arrow Park

On Nov. 10 2016, at 5:30pm people flocked to Red Arrow park to protest the recent election of Donald Trump. The protesters shouted in unison hoping the heavens themselves could hear their cries of anger and fear. This was the peaceful start to the events to follow as a night of local and nationwide unrest ensued. They later took to the streets with their booming message “Not My President” sending a clear and obvious message to the world about how they feel. A few of the protestors at Red Arrow park shared their opinion on Trump’s election, and his possible effect on the Nation’s future.
First was Savannah Holt, “I feel that…we have to unite against what’s the values Trump stands for and remember what our morals are and show the rest of the country that we can still make a difference no matter who is president.”
Then Lena Shivingrahber, “A lot of people are upset about this election, but to me the best thing we can do is mobilize and show that we’re not just gonna take this sitting down, that there are people who don’t fit the bill of all the types of people Trump has been attacking , that are still allies and people that are still there for them.”
Lasltly Catarina Erba, “People I’m really close too and care so deeply about are affected by Trump, my brother is gay and has high functioning Autism and I don’t know what future this country has for him now. As somebody who does have the privilege to do something about it I feel that I can’t just be complacent…Anything I can do whether it’s protesting, donating to groups I’ll do whatever I can do to stand up to this man“
As time passed the group was called to surround a center pedestal where individuals could speak their minds about their president elect, and the people like him. One woman, an undocumented university student, spoke of how she was brought to America by her parents as a child, not knowing that she’d be entering a nation that she said “hated” her. As the group walked into downtown Milwaukee it soon became clear, these individuals were not just protesting against their president but were in truth standing up for what they believe.
The protests in Milwaukee got so intense at one point that they had to close down I-94, but that was on the milder side of precautions that were taken compared to other states. Over a half dozen major cities from Portland to New York all held their own protests, a strong showing of unity that echoes the results of the popular vote on Tuesday.
All in all, this nation was born from voices like these, the voices that shout for justice, voices who shout for liberty, equality, and the freedom to express their first amendment rights. In a sense these protests and this passion are what makes America what it is, a nation that shouts in the name of freedom.

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