Quote of the Day
  • “Minds are like flowers; they open only when the time is right.”–Stephen Richards
The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

The MATC community loves digital devices but prefers to read their college paper in printed form

Photo by Emma Turk

Over the past 60 years, with the exception of quantity, distribution of  the MATC Times to its readers has not changed. Racks are conveniently  located at each campus for students, staff, faculty, and visitors to snap  up and consume whenever they like. The high print quality of the award winning publication seemingly draws the reader in, while the student pro duced content keeps them reading. 

In keeping with the modern age, the paper also has digital content at  www.matctimes360.com. We recently polled the MATC community to see if they have a preference over ready their college paper digitally or in a  printed format. The majority of individuals we spoke to appear to prefer  the printed edition when it comes to catching up on school related news.  Most agreed that when they see the paper on campus they read it cover  to cover. Others said they use their electronic devices for too many other  tasks and simply enjoy reading newsprint as a change of pace and hopes  it stays that way. Here is what some individuals had to say about the  topic.

“I read both digital and print newspapers. When I read digital papers, I read one article usually, depending on what I have interest in, in that newspaper. When I have more free time, I grab an actual (print) paper to read because it’s easier and it has more information. Paper is making a comeback.”
– Kyle Brightsman
Marketing Management
Program Alumni 2019
(Photo by © Celine Cotton/MATC Times)
“I pick up every or every other issue of the Times and read it. Since I’m a photography instructor I scan through and look at all of the photography first and who took them. Then I look at the cutlines, and then after that I read the articles that interest me. I’m more about picking up a hardcopy and reading it than I am if I got an email that said ‘hey here is the MATC Times’ with a link. For me I definitely say hardcopy over pdf.”
– Darin Dubinsky
Photography Instructor
(Photo by © Celine Cotton/MATC Times)
“The only time I have ever read a digital or print newspaper is either for a project for school but other than that I haven’t. I just never thought about picking one up and reading it. However, now that I know what’s in the MATC Times and that it isn’t just straight news but information that directly affects us as students is very interesting to me. Now I’m going to pick it up and start reading it.”
– Nzingha Minor
Television and Video Production
(Photo by © Celine Cotton/MATC Times)

















“I’ve always been an online, gadget, electronic type of person so I wasn’t into reading paper, books, newspapers etc…so everything I would do was online. Sometimes instead of watching the news I will go online and read it instead. If I see the MATC Times on campus I’ll pick it up and read it. I used to work at the downtown campus and we had a Times stand right outside our office so I would read it whenever it came out. I would read it cover to cover even if the article didn’t pertain to my interest, I would still read it just because it was there and I saw it.”
– Maty Lopez
Administrative Assistant III, MATC
Business Management Alumna 2010
Oak Creek Campus
(Photo by © Isabella Oryszczyn/MATC Times )
“I get my news digitally because I like to scroll until I find something essential to what I’m trying to do or other helpful things. I scroll past the articles that don’t really pertain to me or my interests. However, after looking at the Times I would definitely pick up the newspaper more often when I see it. Especially for the food section and the healthy eating articles.”
– Larry Galloway
Truck Driver CDL Program,
Oak Creek Campus
(Photo by © Isabella Oryszczyn/MATC Times )
“If I’m bored, I’ll read the news digitally because I’m always on my phone. I read one article digitally that has caught my eye instead of the entire paper. When I read the actual newspaper, I read the entire paper because I can’t click out of it, it is there.
I like reading the printed paper to be honest; it’s old school. I just think it’s cool to read printed newspapers. I like the MATC Times because it covers different people in different programs, and it gives good insight on what’s going on around school. You don’t feel excluded from what’s going on around campus and it adds to the college experience.”
– Jordan Taylor
Associate in Arts
(Photo by © Celine Cotton/MATC Times )
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