Quote of the Day
  • “Minds are like flowers; they open only when the time is right.”–Stephen Richards
The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

Perspectives – COVID vaccines

Photo by Emma Turk

When the vaccines to combat COVID-19 became available we asked students if they were inclined to get vaccinated. Most were concerned about how quickly the vaccines were developed, however, the majority of students said they would get vaccinated. We followed uo with our students to see what they decided and further asked if they intend to get the booster shot when it becomes available. Here is what some individuals had to say about the topic:


I believe if I was not in school and in the health field I wouldn’t, but because I’m in school and I’m in the health field I’m going to be out and about a lot I do want to get it. And do my part to keep everyone safe.”
– Jessica Lanor
Dental Hygiene (Photo by Celine Cotton / Times Photo Editor)
“I would definitely take the covid vaccine, just to be safe and to work towards herd immunity. I want to be safer when I leave the house. I’ve seen people take it and I think all the fear mongering on the media and social media is wrong because I’ve seen people that I know personally take it and they’re fine. The worst they’ve gotten is typical flu vaccine symptoms.” Update: “I have received 1 of 2 scheduled shots. I am not sure if I will get the booster shot, but if enough sources encourage me to do so, I’ll definitely consider doing so.”
-Juan Flores
Information Technoloy (Photo by Celine Cotton / Times Photo Editor)
I think I would I take it, I haven’t done much research as to side effects or what’s in it but I have friends in the medical field and they’ve all taken it. My mother recently overcame breast cancer and my grandma has been diagnosed with lung cancer so I think it would put my family at ease, and if I hopefully get into the firefighting field I would have to get it anyways. So I think it would help give my parents and family peace of mind for my safety, and make it less worrisome for me especially with dealing with patients in the future. Overall I think it would be more beneficial to take it now more than to not. ” Update: “It depends on the purpose of the booster shot. If it’s in relation to the original code for the virus probably not as I don’t see the point. If it’s for the Delta variant I’d be more likely.”
-Nicholas Gordon
Fire Protection Services (Photo by Celine Cotton / Times Photo Editor)

“I would not take the vaccine, mostly because there is not a lot of information on it yet and I have heard a lot of negative symptoms from people who have received it. I’m also not very high risk. I have a lot of exposure jobs and I’m pretty well rehearsed in preventing and treating it as any other virus I could catch.
-Amanda Claro-Bevsek
Fire Protection Services (Photo by Celine Cotton / Times Photo Editor)

“Yes I would take the vaccine because I do work in the healthcare field and it would definitely give me a chance to protect other people and myself.” Updated: “I received the vaccine and yes if made available I would be getting the booster as I said before, I work in the healthcare field but I have children so I’m willing to do what I need to do to protect myself and the people that I care about.”
-Lashanda Caston
Dental Hygiene (Photo by Celine Cotton / Times Photo Editor)
“We were offered the covid vaccine through the program two days ago through Aurora, and I did sign up to take it just to keep myself and the patients we’re going to start seeing safe. I don’t want to transmit anything and I don’t want anything to be transmitted to me.” Update: “I did get vaccinated. Froedtert was the location offered and I will be in line for the booster when it is offered.”
-Rebecca Pedersen
Dental Hygiene (Photo by Celine Cotton / Times Photo Editor)
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