Murder Mystery Dinner
The scene was the annual billionaire’s club meeting and the opulent room was alive with costumed attendees who were totally unaware that by meeting’s end one of the 130 members in attendance would be dead. Hor d’ oeuvres were served in the grand lobby while roaring fireplaces and wing-backed chairs invited members to mingle with the murder mystery cast. A century old building, the Renaissance Place contributed to the ambiance. The fifth annual event is a project of the Student Government and Student Life departments, and is held to give students an affordable, fun night out where they can mix and mingle and just have a great time.
Once the deadly dinner got under way in the Grand Ballroom, various “billionaire attendees” were assigned roles in the cast and given their back-story so they could assume their identities. As the delicious dinner of baked salmon, prime rib, chicken picata, Waldorf salad, and vegetables were being devoured, the club members were just getting into the meeting when the club president, after smoking a cigar, keeled over and dropped dead! Well, as you can imagine, quite a buzz swept through the ballroom, speculating on “who did it?” The billionaires were in quite an uproar over the demise of their president, and the daunting job of discovering the culprit ensued. After great sleuthing and postulating, the crime was solved. Prizes were awarded to the best costumes, and a photo booth was on site to capture the memories as all had a good time.
Student Life plans events to give the student body activities to enhance their overall college experience. The next event will be the Grand Ball, where a king and queen will be crowned, and prize money will be awarded. All students are eligible to run for king or queen of the ball, but must be sponsored by a club. Candidates must attend the candidates dinner and give a speech.

A naturally nosey person, JoAhne Penney has enjoyed finding out what is going on, and telling others all of her life. She has been out of school for decades,...