Do pregnant MATC students know…?

Pregnant? Know a student who is? Sometimes a student becomes pregnant and drops out, but if they knew that there were options and a plan, would they stay? The plan is referred to as Title IX provisions for pregnancy and childbirth leave.
The counseling and advising department is a good place to start for students who know that they are expecting, but did you know that expectant mothers can go to the Student Accommodations Office at their MATC campus and help build a plan around their prenatal care?
Having a baby is important to parents and so is the parents’ education. A healthy birth is first and foremost, and MATC understands that there is a workable way to manage through classes. They encourage soon-to-be moms who are choosing to attend MATC to also pick the very best route by mapping out a specific plan of action as soon as they find out that they are pregnant.
“In the case of pregnancy,” said Elizabeth Drew, assistant general counsel for the college, “what would be ideal is to know as early as possible that the student is expecting so that the course program can be modified.” The way things are set up, there is no need to allow grades to fall, classes to lapse or be dropped. Drew also stated that, “We do have discretion to rearrange prerequisites and co-requisite classes and to place students in classes where it is easier for them to accommodate a maternity leave.”
Drew gave an example that a class that involves lab work is a bit more challenging than a lecture-based course or one that’s available online. So scheduling in advance is ideal for those students.
In terms of students who are experiencing pregnancy, and anticipating childbirth, they should see Cathy Bohte in Student Accommodations Services as early as possible so that they can develop an appropriate accommodations plan that will address any needs for leave due to prenatal appointments and also pregnancy-related leave for childbirth.

There is an option that pregnant students can be backed out of the class so that they can take it at a later date.
They can take an incomplete.
They can do work at home, depending on the course and the program.
The ability to request leave can be discussed.
Note takers can help keep students up-to-date in missed classes.
Flexible online opportunities may help.
Reducing course load to make up at a later date can be considered.
Students may discuss modifying an attendance policy before incurred attendance violations.

“It really is a customized accommodation plan based on each individual student’s needs with relation to their academic program, as well as their pregnancy and child- birth situation,” Bohte said. Bohte is the primary resource for students to see; in addition, the counseling and advising department is a good place to start with their program planning.
“It’s not just once you have the child, it’s the things that come up before you have the child,” said Trevor Kubatzke, vice president of Student Services. “Things like doctor appointments and morning sickness. And then there are things after the child is born, like check-ups and so on. All campuses have accommodations offices. Any student on any campus can go to their accommodations office and talk to them about needed accommodations regardless but especially around childbirth. We’ve always tried to give our students as many options as possible to continue their education.” Every MATC campus has a childcare center and Drew and Kubatzke want to remind readers that there are onsite childcare services that the college provides to the student population. The hours are as needed, and that is also a big value.
“Let’s build a plan so that everybody knows what’s expected,” Kubatzke added.
For infomation, contact Student Accommodations Services at:
Room C219

Room B212
Enter through Library

Oak Creek
Room A211

West Allis
Room 217