Quote of the Day
  • “Minds are like flowers; they open only when the time is right.”–Stephen Richards
The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

Student Legal Clinic

Buy your house through Habitat for Humanity

Dear Student Legal Clinic,

I am working part-time and I am enrolled in the Human Services Program.  I would like to find out how to buy my own house because I have lived in two houses that went into foreclosure.  How can I get started with this process?

Signed, Paris

Dear Paris,

You have asked this question at a good time.  Habitat for Humanity is visiting the Downtown MATC Campus on October 17 at 10:30 a.m. in Room M616.  The room can hold 60 students, so it will be a first come, first served event.  If more than 60 students wish to attend, we will take names for another workshop.  All students will be able to get information and an application.

The Habitat Homeownership process is different from other home buying experiences.  Since Habitat holds the mortgage, they can decide whether an applicant meets the credit-worthiness standard.  Habitat works with families to clear up credit issues.

Habitat Homeowners must contribute sweat-equity to the process.  Families admitted to the program must complete the sweat-equity requirement during which they participate in the construction of their homes and the homes of their neighbors.  This allows the families the opportunity to learn construction skills, get to know their neighbors, and learn about Habitat for Humanity.

Once the families have fulfilled the sweat-equity requirements, they are given the choice of two locations to buy their home.  Mortgages run between $475.00 and $600.00 each month.

If you are interested in Habitat for Humanity, you may attend the workshop at MATC or call 414-265-3565 to attend a workshop at their facility.  You may also visit their website, http://www.milwaukeehabitat.org for more information.
If you have questions about the MATC workshop, please email Mary O’Leary, [email protected], call 297-6630 or stop in Room M346.


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