Quote of the Day
  • “Minds are like flowers; they open only when the time is right.”–Stephen Richards
The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

Welcome to tomorrow: our doors are open

Parents and potential students of the very near future made their way through a brisk November morning attend MATC’s Open House on November 3rd. The check-in line on the second floor of the Main Building created an echoing jumble of excited voices that bled into the surrounding corridors. Over 100 different degree programs were showcased from all four campuses. Staff and faculty gave demonstrations. The whole affair started at 8:30 a.m. and the turnout was good right out of the gate.
Student volunteers politely circulated and guided visitors throughout the event, and they certainly had their work cut out for them. The large crowd was evident throughout the event. People had come looking to become students, and a lot of them knew what they were going for, it seemed.
From the original, large group of people with the same general goal of getting back in school, smaller groups formed and dispersed into the halls of MATC. Everything from Masonry to Radiography was represented. In the T Building, a line had even formed to try out a “virtual 3D welding simulation” where students interested in welding technology could try it, then be assessed on the job they did.
When asked what she thought about the college now that she’s attended the Open House, a mother from Milwaukee who came with her 19-year-old son said, “We think it’s great, and the students and staff we’ve met were all very helpful and nice. There are many reasons MATC was the first school we had in mind for our son, and it didn’t disappoint.”
She went on to say that her son would be attending school at the Oak Creek Campus, since he has friends who go there.
It was a good day with excellent attendance, despite the cold and cloudy weather, and we’re sure to see many new faces in the halls at the start of the spring semester, adding to our student population. If they liked what they saw at the Open House, wait until they actually get to start attending classes. Nothing beats the feeling of going back to school, and it makes you appreciate education that much more.

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