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  • “Minds are like flowers; they open only when the time is right.”–Stephen Richards
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Career Corner: Top 10 Tips for student resumes

This graphic is from CareerHub.
This graphic is from CareerHub.

Looking for your next job or internship opportunity? If you are, the first step is to ensure your resume is well-written and provides a snapshot of what you are able to offer to a potential employer. The 10 tips below will ensure your resume stands out from the rest and lands you the next interview!

1. Formatting: When formatting your resume you want to make sure it is easy to read. Consider the following formatting pro tips:

  • Begin with a blank Word or Google document and not a resume template. Most employers use electronic applicant tracking systems that scan resumes and a resume template may cause issues with your resume scanning into that system without errors. It is also easier to update your resume when it is in a blank document.
  • Use the same font and font size throughout. Times New Roman or Aria are the preferred font options for resumes. Font size should be 11 or 12 point font. 
  • List out your skills and job duties in bullet point format, as this is easier to read.

2. Include Key Contact Information: Ensure that your contact information is at the top of your resume and includes:

  • Your first and last name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • City and state of residence – your full address is no longer necessary to include
  • LinkedIn URL – if you have an up-to-date LinkedIn profile 

3. Targeted Professional Summary: Below your contact information include a targeted professional summary that includes the skills you bring to the specific position you are applying to. This section should be one to two sentences in length.

4. Relevant Skills & Experience: In a bullet-pointed list, include technical skills, essential skills and language skills that you bring to the position. Technical skills can include those things you learn within your specific program such as coding for an IT program. Essential skills are those skills all employers value such as excellent communication, critical thinking, team work, work ethic and intercultural fluency.

5. Include Language from Job Posting: Scan through the job posting you are applying to and make note of the words or phrases you see multiple times in the posting. Make sure you use the same words and phrases somewhere in your resume to align yourself to that opportunity.

6. Quantify Your Work: As you add bullet points to your resume for each job you have held, make sure you quantify your work. Think about your bullet points as feature-benefit statements. For example, it is not enough to say “provided exceptional customer service.” It is more impactful to say, ”Received a 98% satisfaction rating on our customer service survey in the last two quarters.”

7. Use Action Verbs: Within your resume, you should never use “I” language and always use action verbs. Action verbs include words like manage, develop and train for example. See the CareerHub Resume Packet for a list of action verbs.

8. Be Mindful of Length: Try to keep your resume to one page and your most recent 10 years of experience. If you are more experienced in your career, it is okay to have a two-page resume.

9. Check Your Work: Use spell and grammar checks when you finalize your resume, and ask a family member, friend, or professional you know to review it for you. Sometimes an outside eye can help you identify errors you overlooked.

10. Have Your Resume Reviewed with CareerHub: The CareerHub Employment Team is here to help you with your resume. Share your drafted resume with one of our team members for review and feedback. Schedule an appointment with an Employment Development Specialist today!


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