Quote of the Day
  • “Minds are like flowers; they open only when the time is right.”–Stephen Richards
The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

The Book Corner

Photo by Christopher D’Allen
David Gray searches for books MATC students will enjoy reading.

Instead of recommending several books, I am focusing on one book suggestion for MATC Times readers. It is: The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz.

The author’s intent in the book is to help readers explore freedom, happiness and love. The central point is that a person’s life is determined by agreements they have made with themselves, others, God and society as a whole.

This book was referred to me by my mom, Annie V. Gray. And the reason I chose it is because I feel it touches all aspects of life.

It is a very popular book that’s been on the New York Times best seller list for more than a decade. It has sold more than 15 million copies in the U.S. alone. I suggest you check it out.

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About the Contributors
David Gray
David Gray, Sports Editor
I'm an avid reader and writer, as well as a published author.  I grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and after spending some time in Los Angeles, California, I'm now back home in Milwaukee. I am attending MATC to pursue a career in business management. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family, and reading nonfiction novels and self-help books related to business. I also volunteer at times due to my passion for reading. Reading, in my view, is the gateway to life and understanding. I am grateful for the opportunity here at MATC as a student and member of the MATC Times. I look forward to bringing you the exciting, entertaining, and educational side of literature through the Book Corner.
Christopher D’Allen
Christopher D’Allen, Editor-in-Chief
My name is Christopher D'Allen and I am the Editor-in-Chief for the MATC Times, a student run paper dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in scholastic journalism. The MATC Times stands as the voice of our students and a bastion of free speech for the communiy we represent. I joined the staff in my first semester at MATC and obtained my current position at the start of Summer '23. Here I am a photography student and hold a BA in Political Science and Spanish & Latin American Studies with a minor in Democracy and Justice Studies. I have worked an Administrative Assistant, World Language Instructor, a Head Lifeguard and Resident Assistant, but have found that my passion lies in the arts. As a photographer, I challenge myself daily to find a new perspective, capture a fleeting scene and turn moments into memories. As we work to relaunch the MATC Times website and grow our staff, I want to make joining our team as positive a learning experience and beneficial a work experience as possible. I strongly believe in the power of collaboration and inclusivity. As an Editor, I actively encourage diverse perspectives. Each student's unique viewpoint enriches our storytelling and fosters a sense of unity within our community. I aim to bridge the gap between words and images, revealing the untold stories that shape our community.