Quote of the Day
  • “Minds are like flowers; they open only when the time is right.”–Stephen Richards
The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

Students’ impressions of MATC Presidential Candidates

(The MATC Times had students participate in all four MATC Presidential Candidate visits. The first story was written by Times Photographer and Writer, Iryna Levit who provided responses to a short Q&A with one student. Dr. Anthony Cruz is listed first because he was selected as MATC’s next president. You can read more about that here. The other student-written candidate stories by Abraham Johnson, Shaprella Johnson and Jenny Greer follow Iryna’s.)

One student’s impressions of Dr. Anthony Cruz

MATC Times: Please tell me what did you think about this candidate?

MATC Paralegal Student: “I feel like he was extremely honest and he was forthcoming and he had great answers when it came to the questions. But, I (also) like that the things that he didn’t know, he didn’t pretend to know. I’m glad he said I haven’t had to deal with this yet or this was tough and he moved forward, I appreciated that.”

MATC Times: Did Dr Cruz talk about issues that are important to you?

MATC Paralegal Student: “Diversity, I want to see a lot more diversity for the college. I think we serve a diverse group of students, and I think it helps when you have people that look like you helping you and fighting for you. This is what the community deserves. I want us all to feel at home when we are at MATC.”

MATC Times:  What did you like the most about his presentation?

MATC Paralegal Student: “He is interested in the community and he’s interested in everyone feeling comfortable at work, which is something I like.”

MATC Times: Would you vote for Dr Cruz as the next MATC President?

MATC Paralegal Student: I don’t know. I saw another candidate and I liked them a lot. I don’t get two votes so I don’t know.

MATC Times: Thank you!

Presidential Search: Spotlight on Dr. Tina Marie Jackson

by Abraham Johnson, MATC Writer

Students voiced many concerns such as housing, help in finding internships and building connections through relationships to MATC Presidential candidate Dr. Tina Marie Jackson during her visit to the Downtown Campus. Jackson answered questions that were submitted online and from attendees watching her presentation in the Cooley Auditorium.

She responded to the questions given by students and staff with a level of respect and confidence that demonstrates why she’s a candidate. With the level of experience she has in her field and expertise in assisting students, it’s not shocking that she’s a potential favorite for students.

I asked one student leaving the presentation what he thought of her responses. Devin Williams absolutely raved about how thorough her answers were. He commented on how she spoke with confidence and poise, and that she consistently talked about how the students are what matters and their needs and worries should be taken into consideration at all times.

MATC Presidential Candidate: Dr. Monica Brown

Shaprella Johnson, MATC Times Writer

I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Monica Brown, the vice president of student affairs at Montgomery College and a resident of Washington D.C. recently when she came for a visit to MATC to a student lunch Q&A and a presentation in the Cooley Auditorium. 

Dr. Brown emphasized the importance of current and potential students having access to available school resources that will help them become better and successful students. She also stressed inclusivity and does not want students to feel alienated or that help is out of their reach. She also mentioned the need for inclusion of the Latin X community and services for those that have language and cultural barriers.  

Dr. Brown also spoke on the importance of student retention rates to going up, and how there should be an emphasis on working adult learners with families who need extra help when it comes to support from faculty and counselors. In addition, she spoke on the need for community engagement, and the importance of volunteering as well as building relationships with other fellow students, both offline and online. There was attention on the need for students to get involved with student organizations that will make the student more aware of the college from both a personal and political standpoint.

Daniel Ford, a Photography student, who attended some of Dr. Brown’s speech said that from what he saw,  many of Dr. Brown’s viewpoints were relatable to him. He sees qualities in her that he could see in a potential president for our college. He said she seemed very down to earth and humble. Overall, I thought that Dr. Brown would be an excellent choice for college president.

One student’s impressions of Dr. Mark Curtis-Chavez

By Jenny Greer

Kara Sternlieb, is a Business Management student and a CareerHUB Student Ambassador. I asked her the following question:

What did you think of Dr. Mark Curtis-Chaves?

“I think Dr. Chavez is a great candidate for this school because, while talking with him, he displayed great knowledge on what this school needs and resources he can use to help out our students. The whole point of school is to set students up for success and our school currently has a lot of students that need extra help with that.”




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