The battle between the fresh and convenient foods

We all love food. I know I do. It’s great and the summertime is the perfect season to grab some fresh fruit and veggies from your local farmer’s market.

Now we might not all have time to go to the farmer’s market every Saturday and Sunday, which is why a lot of people tend to buy produce from the grocery store.

The store might say it’s fresh but you never really know the whole truth about where it came from unless you look up the farming information online.

Most of the time your local supermarkets are reliable but there’s that small chance that the apples you picked up this morning may be bad apples.

Some of us might not even have time to go to the grocery store to buy dinner so we might choose fast-food restaurants or even a sit-down place such as my favorite restaurant, Cafe Benelux in Milwaukee’s Historic Third Ward.

What really is better for you? Fresh or convenient? Of course fresh foods are way better for you than convenient, but the food we get from our local stores is the route most tend to go because it’s convenient.

Bethany Wallace at 29 explains, “While it’s hard to argue that fresh produce isn’t a good source of nutrients, there are negatives involved with eating fresh as well, such as foods that are more expensive and have a shorter shelf life. However, the biggest downfall to eating mass-produced foods are the pesticides and hormones that are used to grow them. Farmers use sprays to control weeds and insects, which work wonders, but those same chemicals can be ingested by consumers, which then have to be broken down and digested.”


According to, “The term organic refers to the way agricultural products are grown and processed. While the regulations vary from country to country, in the U.S., organic crops must be grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, bioengineered genes (GMOs), petroleum-based fertilizers, and sewage sludge-based fertilizers.”

Organic foods may be the way to go but they aren’t always the most convenient. Believe it or not, there is that gray area where fresh foods and convenient combine … our savior Trader Joe’s, Outpost, and other organic markets such as Whole Foods. They have fresh produce and a plethora of vegan options. Yeah, they might be expensive sometimes, but it’s totally worth it.

Processed foods may be the way to go when you’re in a bit of a time crunch. The problem is they aren’t good for your health. states, “Processed foods are also loaded with preservatives (MSG for example), unnatural coloring, added flavoring, and other unappetizing substances.


“If consumed regularly over time, such foods can quickly begin to harm a person’s health, which can contribute to serious health issues, for example – obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancers and strokes.

“The craving for processed food is more contributed to its added flavors.” While you think they may taste good, they aren’t good for you. Sadly, those Krispy Kremes that I hold dear to my heart are terrible for me and you, but good in moderation.

I prefer the gray area; the fresh and convenient area between these options and I love going to Trader Joe’s and Beans & Barley. There’s so many options out there.

Even when you don’t have time to visit the grocery store in the morning, healthier snacks are available everywhere. The internet will definitely help guide you to healthier choices. Get out there and enjoy the summer!