Online classes are easier – oh really?


Does this sound familiar: Blackboard is having issues, and you have a test due in one hour, the instructor hasn’t answered your email or calls, and you need clarification on an assignment, or you can’t respond to posts because your “classmates” haven’t submitted THEIR work on time. Such is the life of an online student.
Classroom instruction has its challenges as well: boring professors who go on and on, distracting classmates, classrooms that are too hot or too cold, loud noise from the halls, etc. Two totally different environments with the same purpose – to educate.
Not everyone can be successful in the online setting; some need that human interaction that only a face-to-face class can provide. The real issue is if students can get the same quality of education regardless of the mode of learning. Online classes are becoming the rage. Is it because students think it is easier, do they enjoy the flexibility, or is it because they feel they can get a comparable education in the comfort of their own home?
These are good questions that deserve probing from Oak Creek students. They give their perspectives on the question: How would you compare your online courses to the classroom experience?”

Jazmine Lopez – Liberal Arts Program – “Personally, I like the online classes better; I think it gives you more time to do your work – a more flexible schedule. I have health issues so that works out for me personally. I think there’s probably more work to be done online than classroom classes, but I think the level of difficulty is the same.”

Gabriella Miselem – Criminal Justice Program – “I think the classroom experience is nice because it’s more hands on and you are actually physically in the class; it gives you more opportunities. I think it’s nice to have online classes especially when you don’t have the flexibility to come to class every day.”

Stephanie Hoyer – Undecided Program – “Online courses are cool because you have more leniency with your schedule and you’re able to work around your schedule with homework and class time rather than having an actual class period to go to.”

Jorge Paniagua – Criminal Justice – “I’m the type of student that needs a one on one with the teacher, but it  (online class) was fairly easy because when I would email the teacher she would email me right back – she was very supportive. I liked it. I would pace myself in the class. The education and material was the same in both settings.”

James McKnight – Computer Information Systems –“It gives you a lot of time at home and to have peace to study without interruptions, also it gives you a laid back feeling. You have more time to put more effort into your work. The quality of education is the same, but you don’t interact with other students. Some people love online because it’s convenient, some people don’t.”

Reuben Moore – Fire Science – “Online courses are harder- more difficult. I think the quality of education is better in the classroom setting. You have to wait longer to get in touch with your teacher (online), and in the classroom setting the teacher is right there.”