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  • 'Spring will come and so will happiness. Hold on. Life will get warmer.' – Anita Krizzan
The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

The student news site of Milwaukee Area Technical College

MATC Times

Teresa Rae Butler

Teresa Rae Butler, Times Scene Editor

There is a certain capturing of the heart and mind that happens to people who love their school and love their school newspaper. I am one such person. I have been with this paper as a staff reporter since 2009, and now that I have the endearing honor and privilege as the Downtown Campus Editor, I find myself in the midst of an experience that I am certain that I will truly miss, and appreciate added to my resume. The kinds of articles we produce are always informative to our community, but also well rounded in production, which frequently lands us into award winning layouts. We are always working to out do the last edition, and I love to do my part. I have gotten the opportunity to work with some wonderful staff and go to some extravagant journalism events to represent the orange, royal blue and star logo that is the MATC TIMES. To work under the supervision of the legendary, Bob Hanson has been a journey most respected, treasured and valued in sharpening my skills as a reporter, editor and even a photographer. You can’t get any better. The meetings alone are always a lot of fun and we cover topics that are important and relevant to the campus. When I’m not doing things for my school, I can be found walking the beautiful city of Milwaukee Wisconsin engaging in some kind of opportunity either in nature, the arts or film.

All content by Teresa Rae Butler
Hawk delivers fire and desire

Hawk delivers fire and desire

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Scene Editor
December 2, 2016

Interview with David Huckfelt of The Pines

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Scene Editor
November 4, 2016

A top travesty is in ‘Denial’

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Scene Editor
November 2, 2016

A down-home chat with Charlie Parr

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Scene Editor
October 18, 2016
Loving Lydia Loveless even more

Loving Lydia Loveless even more

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Scene Editor
September 21, 2016
Tech N9ne ‘lets off’ at the Rave

Tech N9ne ‘lets off’ at the Rave

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Scene Editor
September 21, 2016
The Healthy Slice

The Healthy Slice

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Milwaukee Campus Editor
May 11, 2016
Prince performs "Purple Rain" as the opening act during the 46th Annual Grammy Awards show on Feb. 8, 2004 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.  Prince died on April 21, 2016. He was 57.

Prince, the music continues…

by Teresa Rae Butler, Downtown Milwaukee Campus Editor
May 11, 2016
Charles Bradley, commonly referred to as “The Screaming Eagle of Soul,” is a funk/soul/R&B singer signed to the Daptone Records label under the Dunham Records division.

Screaming Eagle of Soul sells out Turner Hall

by Teresa Rae Butler, Downtown Milwaukee Campus Editor
May 11, 2016

Peter Murphy strips Turner Hall down

by Teresa Rae Butler, Downtown Milwaukee Campus Editor
April 29, 2016
Tavis Smiley (right) interviews MATC alumni El Amin Abdullah (from left) and Kristin Gies, and MATC President Dr. Vicki Martin during the taping of his PBS talk show in Cooley Auditorium at MATC's downtown campus on Tuesday, April 19, 2016. Smiley made Milwaukee a stop on his "One Great Idea Tour" to discuss the benefits of technical college degree and to highlight the MATC Promise.

Tavis Smiley’s show recorded at MATC

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Milwaukee Campus Editor
April 29, 2016

Free tax help at MATC Downtown and Oak Creek campuses

by Teresa Rae Butler, Downtown Milwaukee Campus Editor
March 22, 2016
The Domes could cost up to $75 million dollars to repair according to a recent Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article.

Don’t doom Domes

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Campus Editor
March 3, 2016
Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC) club, from left to right, IT system security specialists, Robb Rusc, Santiago Rivera, Ryan Condon, Khamis Abdalla, David Jacko, Jason Sonia, Garrett Condon, and digital forensics analyst, Jason Dynek.

Cybersecurity Club ranks first nationally

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Milwaukee Campus Editor
February 11, 2016

EL VY takes Turner Hall beyond

by Teresa Rae Butler, Downtown Milwaukee Campus Editor
December 17, 2015
Turner Hall purrs to Cat Daddy, Jackson Galaxy

Turner Hall purrs to Cat Daddy, Jackson Galaxy

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Campus Editor
December 8, 2015

by Kirsten Schmitt and Teresa Rae Butler
December 8, 2015

Mind your manners

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Milwaukee Campus Editor
December 8, 2015

Matisyahu, the Jewish/reggae rapper performs at Pabst

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Milwaukee Campus Editor
November 18, 2015

Wilde Belle tolls for Turner Hall

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Milwaukee Campus Editor
November 4, 2015
Students from MATC’s Marketing Management and Transportation Logistics courses look on as instructor Dean Le Blanc, program coordinator for the Supply Chain Management program, explains the bullwhip effect that occurs in the simulated “Beer Game” that is being used to familiarize students with the important process of factory, distributor, wholesale, retail communications relations.

Class uses simulation ‘Beer Game’ to engage students

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Milwaukee Campus Editor
November 4, 2015
As part of their Beach Goth tour, The Growlers incorporate a surf- like rock music into their play at Turner Hall on Sept. 29.

The Growlers grace Turner Hall

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Milwaukee Campus Editor
October 14, 2015
Perfect weather for a cruise. The 30th annual Welcome Back cruise offered students, faculty, staff and their guests to a welcome break from the rigors of the semester.

Welcome Back cruise a Hollywood success

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Campus Editor
September 30, 2015
At the MATC Downtown Milwaukee campus on the second floor of the S-building was Club Recruitment Week. Representing StWEA were Taisha Moore, Teacher Education program and Joshua Reed, Education Foundations Track student,  StWEA is a student organization for future educators to network, volunteer and facilitate students who want to become teachers for public schools in Wisconsin.

Downtown Milwaukee campus club recruitment week gathers participants

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Milwaukee Campus Editor
September 30, 2015

MATC has used textbook buying/selling program

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Editor
September 16, 2015
The Law of Attraction: What is it?

The Law of Attraction: What is it?

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Campus Editor
July 2, 2015

‘Peter and the Starcatcher’ is a winner

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Campus Editor
May 11, 2015
Nikie Brand (L), instructor Chuck Stepanovich, and Sabrina Coleman (R) hand out specialty pizzas such as pesto and lobster, spicy chorizo and portobello mushrooms with prosciutto.

Five Star event is five stars

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Campus Editor
May 11, 2015
Dr. Richard A. Busalacchi, the associate dean for the Hospitality programs, stands near the main entrance of the 6th Street Bakery, located at the Downtown Milwaukee Campus.

MATC grad to dean while manifesting dream

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Campus Editor
April 21, 2015
Ferguson now; how do we feel?

Ferguson now; how do we feel?

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Campus Editor
April 21, 2015

Do pregnant MATC students know…?

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Campus Editor
April 21, 2015

MPM’s Crossroads of Civilization now open

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Campus Editor
March 24, 2015
Performers from Kinsella Academy of Irish Dance entertained students, faculty and staff on St. Patrick’s Day at the Downtown Milwaukee and West Allis campuses.

Saint Patty’s Day dancers jig Irish joy

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Downtown Campus Editor
March 24, 2015
Ladysmith Black Mambazo brought their high energy show to the Pabst Theater on Feb. 15.

Ladysmith Black Mambazo harmonizes for peace

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Staff Reporter
February 28, 2015

Employee giving campaign gives thanks

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Staff Reporter
December 8, 2014
Music Occupations student Tiffany Natter performs at Mayfair Mall.

Students delight the ears of Mayfair shoppers

by Teresa Rae Butler, Times Staff Reporter
November 14, 2014
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